One of the most beloved and enduring musicals on the Broadway stage, Wicked makes its journey to the big screen as a spectacular cinematic event, telling the untold story of the witches of Oz. Misunderstood becuase of her green skin, a young woman named Elphaba forges an unlikely but profound friendship with Glinda, a student with an unflinching desire for popularity. Following an encounter with the Wizard of Oz, their relationship soon reaches a crossroad as their lives begin to take very different paths.
This stunning Wicked themed balloon features Elphaba in her trademark green and Glinda shines in pink.
WICKED © Universal City Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Helium Savers XL are made from high quality XtraLife film and are specially sized to reduce helium consumption.
Helium Savers XL are made from high quality XtraLife film and are specially sized to reduce helium consumption.
This balloon floats at altitudes of 6,000 ft. or more.
This balloon floats at altitudes of 6,000 ft. or more.