The 25-inch Despicable Me Bob Minion Balloon features the beloved Bob Minion from the popular Despicable Me movie series. This balloon, perfect for parties, celebrations, or any Minion-themed event, captures Bob's cheerful and mischievous personality. Ideal for fans of the movie or anyone looking to add a fun, playful touch to their decorations, this balloon brings joy and excitement to any occasion. Its large size ensures that it will be a standout at any party.
Balloon floats up to 7,200 ft.
Balloon floats up to 7,200 ft.
XtraLife (XL) Balloons last 3-5 times longer than standard foil balloons! Minimize labor costs and helium consumption by eliminating the need to frequently re-inflate foil balloons.
XtraLife (XL) Balloons last 3-5 times longer than standard foil balloons! Minimize labor costs and helium consumption by eliminating the need to frequently re-inflate foil balloons.